Wednesday, May 19, 2010

New Friends

The Naiset huts have a new cooking shelter with tables cook stoves a sink and propane lights,that night as we eat and discuss our next day trek, we meet four hikers who are staying in the huts near ours,Stu,Ross,Cheryl and Tom, Canadians all from the Edmonton area ,we spend a good amount of time talking about our hike in,they came in from Sunshine Village,now there trek in was a lot more eventful then ours since they meet up with one of the parks grizzly bears

on one of the trails near lake Magog,this is one of the great things about back country hiking(not getting up close and personal with bears)but meeting people from all over the world and making new friends....tomorrow the Nub Peak trail.

Wednesday, May 5, 2010

Fleabane Hut

Thursday 9/10 were told we could chose any available hut and and the weekend we could expect about twenty more guest,so we picked the fleabane hut which was in a

nice sunny location,we took a good two hour nap then Joe and Phil went to the Lodge

for the afternoon tea and cake,and meet the folks who sleep on a bed with clean sheets

not that I'm complaining my REI down sleeping bag worked just fine,While Joe and Phil

were going I heard voices there was a new group looking at one of the other huts,maybe

will meet them at dinner?